Monthly Archives: June 2014

Swimming Pool & Spa Chemical Spotlight : Natural Chemistry

Today I’d like to post a short bit about a product line that we have carried for many years, but that you unfortunately may not heard of yet, and it is called Natural Chemistry. Natural Chemistry has a great line of pool chemicals and cleaning products that are all environmentally friendly and very safe to use.

One of my favorite products from them is called Clean & Perfect Clean & Perfect works GREAT on pool accessories, the top rails of your Above Ground Pool, your patio furniture, garbage containers, and my favorite part…..inside your home! {LOVE using this on my tile. Cleans so well and gets the grout looking brand new without any harsh chemicals!}  Clean & Perfect is made with natural enzymes and surfactants that are biodegradable. It is an extremely powerful all purpose cleaner that lives behind a fresh citrus scent.

Another product that all spa owners should be using is called Spa Purge.  This great product cleans where you cant : inside your spa lines.  Over time, calcium and other deposits and build up in the lines of your spa / hot tub which can in turn cause issues with the water, leaving it cloudy and unmanageable. Spa Purge should be used once a year during your cleaning and draining time.

New to Natural Chemistry? Our site has many other chemicals available for your Pool & Spa needs with more information on each chemical! Visit our site today and please call 1-866-736-0732 or email with ANY questions!

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How Many Hours Should I Run My Swimming Pool Pump?

Today’s blog post is going to be on one topic: How long you should be running your pool pump in the summer.

There are many variants when it comes to determining how many hours you should be running your pool pump if you want to get extremely technical. But when it really comes down to it, you should be running your pool pump 24-7. This is the same for both Above Ground Pools and In-Ground Pools.  The more you run your pool pump, the more circulation the water gets.  The more circulation the water gets, the less chance you have of having algae grow in your pool, and a less chance of getting cloudy pool water, which means less chemicals!

If you cannot run your pool pump 24 hours a day, what I would suggest doing is purchasing a timer from your local hardware store and putting it on your pump.  If you don’t do this, you will more than likely forget to turn the pump back on once its been turned off, and then you open yourself up to again, algae & cloudy water.  When using a timer, set your pool pump to run a minimum of 10 hours a day.

Questions?? No Problem! Give us a call at 1-866-736-0732 or send an email to:

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